Category Business Tips

Cyber Security & Protecting Your Business

A cyber security incident that impacts a small business can be devastating. Unfortunately, those at the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) see the impact of cyber security incidents each and every day, on individuals, large companies, and small businesses. As…

How To Retain Staff

There is a simple answer … Don’t !  And, yes, I’m serious ! I think this is one of the most important aspects of high performance I’ve ever written about.  I constantly hear businesses talking about the importance of retaining…

Is Tough Love Dead?

You will have your own notion of what tough love is … something around treating a person sternly with the intent to help them in the long run.  I believe community attitudes towards tough love have changed significantly in recent…

Marketing Automation

Not only are we seeing different business models emerge based on an awesome customer experience – Uber, airbnb, trunkclub – the pressure is on all of us to lift our game with every customer touch point. One of the most…

Can Leadership Take A Break?

My answer is a definite No! My definition of leadership is to positively influence other peoples’ behaviours, intentionally or accidentally.  (Leadership can occur accidentally through unconscious behaviours of someone that impact others).   I have known and witnessed some incredible leaders…

Connecting with Customers

A list of actions to connect with customers: Formal reviews. Newsletters / information / tips / reminders / special offers … electronic … and follow up. Social media. Sourcing accurate customer feedback … e.g. Surveymonkey, NPS (net promoter score), interviews.…