

Super and Employee Flexibility

Changes for Employee Superannuation Options From the 1st of January 2021 the law relating to employees and their choice of superannuation fund has changed. New workplace determinations and enterprise agreements made on or after this date must now offer employees…

SME Recovery Loan Scheme

The New SME Recovery Loan Scheme will Begin as of 1st April 2021 through to 31st December 2021.With the first federal government’s SME Loan Guarantee Scheme helping over 35,000 expanding the scheme aims to support more businesses affected by the pandemic…

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Feedback is an important mechanism to improve the performance of individuals, teams and organisations. This article looks at some key (as well as some challenging) ways to deal effectively with feedback. The more challenging aspects of giving and receiving feedback:…

Selecting a Payment Gateway

At some point, any small business owner that wants to set up and manage their own online payments would have to select a payment gateway. However, many small business owners do not know what a payment gateway is or why…

Networking Today

Networking involves establishing relationships with an individual, groups of people or organizations who can help advance your career or business in some way(s) . There are four elements in that, as noted: It’s about establishing relationships not just contact. Little…

How to Make a Great Presentation

It’s important for many people in business and other organisations to have good presentation skills and to be able to deliver an effective presentation. The purposes of presentations can vary, including conveying important information and messages, influencing thinking, changing behaviours,…

Casual Overtime and Minimum Requirements

Effective from the first full pay on or after 20th November 2020 Fair Work Commission revised several (97) awards in relation to overtime payments, minimum engagement periods and conversion from casual to permanent employment.These changes are (some may already apply…

Slow Down!

If you own a business or you’re in a key role or trying to get ahead in your career, you are highly likely to be moving at a fast pace. The message in this article is simple … you need…